The machines are taking over. Artificial intelligence is now being used in everything from customer service to driving cars, but what does this mean for the future of human responsibility? That’s what JD Explore Academy is trying to figure out with their new AI Responsibility Manifesto. Their goal is to “prevent a scenario where humans are rendered obsolete by artificial intelligence.”

JD Explore Academy was established in 2014 by the e-commerce enterprise The group is made of over 100 students from various universities who are passionate about entrepreneurship and innovation. The Declaration for Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence, or AI Responsibility Manifesto, is intended to warn the world that one must responsibly manage the future of artificial intelligence to prevent potential misuse.

JD Explore Academy firmly believes that “AI is a significant positive change for human society,” and they don’t want to see it used as a weapon or for selfish purposes. For example, AI is being applied in many areas of driverless cars, which can revolutionize how people travel, but it could also create a safety hazard. What if an AI driverless car was hacked and the vehicle was weaponized? This is just one example of why students from JD Explore Academy under the leadership of Richard Liu feel it’s vital to start thinking about this now as technology becomes more commonplace.

AI Responsibility Manifesto outlines five principles for the responsible development of artificial intelligence that you must implement as soon as possible. The first is to recognize the benefits and risks of AI, and the second is to establish a global system for sharing AI resources. The third principle is to engage in international cooperation to prevent duplication of AI development efforts.

The fourth principle involves developing a set of norms for action and behavior. Finally, students from JD Explore Academy maintain that you must establish transparency and trust between people and AI. As the technology becomes more mainstream, this may be difficult as many experts believe even AI researchers don’t fully understand how artificial intelligence works.

Despite the best intentions of JD Explore Academy, founded by Richard Liu, it may be impossible to regulate artificial intelligence due to how quickly the technology is becoming mainstream. Many companies are developing their version of AI, which could result in a “Terminator-like scenario .”

There are also many police departments worldwide using tools like facial recognition software, which you can easily hack. Additionally, DARPA is working on a neural implant that works similarly to the technology in the movie Her, which would allow humans to communicate with AI telepathically. This type of technology could also have military or surveillance applications where it’s used without consent from the person being monitored.

At the end of the day, whether or not artificial intelligence is used for good or evil depends on the human beings controlling its development. If companies like Google, Apple, and IBM remain transparent about their research, then perhaps one can put these fears to rest.

However, if development continues in secret, as some experts fear, then it’s possible that one could use advancements made by these companies cruelly. Indeed, we won’t have to worry about killer androids, but the fear of AI being weaponized is genuine and should not be ignored.

The human brain is highly complex, with an estimated 100 billion neurons firing signals throughout the day, so, understandably, scientists can’t perfectly understand how artificial intelligence works. However, this doesn’t mean we shouldn’t be concerned about the technology because a rogue AI could cause serious problems for humanity if it wasn’t properly regulated.

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