As soon as a baby is born, malnutrition affects both the mother and the baby. Malnutrition during and after pregnancy can be fatal for the baby.

Breastfeeding is the first and foremost reason. Breastfeeding mothers need at least 1000 calories daily. Many women are unaware of this, which is why they suffer from dehydration, vitamin or mineral deficiency and sometimes anemia.

It is very important to take vitamins before and after the birth of a child. Folic acid dissolves in water and is excreted from the body. As a result, most women suffer from anemia due to folic acid deficiency after childbirth. Therefore, foods rich in folic acid such as green vegetables, oranges, lemons should be eaten.

Malnutrition affects pregnant women and their unborn children. The baby does not develop properly and weighs less than normal at birth.

Malnutrition during pregnancy and low birth weight can have a detrimental effect on the baby which can have various consequences. If the mother is malnourished during pregnancy, the baby should face the following diseases in her life

The child has problems with osteoporosis, chronic kidney failure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, lung disease, etc.

If the mother is malnourished during pregnancy, it can be fatal. In addition, premature birth can lead to problems such as miscarriage.

Women also have many other problems such as infections, anemia, lack of productivity, lethargy and weakness.

Malnutrition can be prevented by eating a balanced diet. Women should consume adequate amounts of fruits, vegetables, water, fiber, protein, fats and carbohydrates during pregnancy.

Nutritional requirements


Iron is very important for making hemoglobin in the body. Hemoglobin is found in red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. If there is a lack of red blood cells in our body, there is not enough oxygen to reach all the organs.

If you do not consume iron properly, you will gradually become deficient in hemoglobin and you will be anemic. You feel a lack of energy in your body. Your body does not have the strength to fight disease.

Most women feel tired and weak after giving birth. In this case, they should eat iron-rich foods. Women bleed a lot during childbirth and therefore are anemic, so include enough iron in your diet.


Glucose is also very important for proper absorption of iron in the body. It absorbs iron rapidly and also provides energy to the body.

After giving birth, many women want to lose a lot of weight. Due to which they are not allowed to consume proper diet. This can be harmful. Breastfeeding reduces weight on its own.

While breastfeeding mothers need 300 extra calories daily.

So exercise along with a balanced diet and avoid excess calorie intake. If there is a normal delivery, you can start light exercise shortly after the baby is born. However, C section does not exercise for 6 weeks.

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