There is a difference between an online reputation and real-world data. I chose to take action since I had the means to do so. The ACOG’s (Trijicon ACOG Scope) inadequacy at Close Quarters ranges is one of its most often stated flaws. The reputation of red dots in these short distances is well-deserved, according to experts and rivals alike.
Best Trijicon ACOG Scope
There was still the matter of whether or not I could use an Trijicon ACOG Scope so near.
If you are looking for the best Trijicon acog scope, then check out our reviews.
With the Aimpoint PRO on a 1:9 twist upper and the 3x24TA-50 linked to the 1:7 twist mid-length upper, I planned an experiment.
At 10 yards, I intended to use a shot timer to see how well and quickly each optic could perform.
In the case of a defensive crisis, this is the farthest shot I can take from within my own house.
Protocol for testing:
At 10 yards, shoot a USPSA/IDPA paper target for one second at a time, with a three-second pause in between each shot.
I utilized the same ammo, magazine, and bottom assembly for all of my control measures.
There are two important things to keep in mind:
A 50-yard zero is set on my PRO while the Trijicon ACOG Scope is calibrated at 100 yards.
I utilized the range’s B27 silhouette target to get a sense of the drop between the point of aim and the point of impact.
The POA/POI change is significant, as you can see.
How to Use Trijicon ACOG
I used PRO, ACOG, and irons in that sequence.
I used a PRO with no optic and the irons co witnessed.
As a result, a new lesson was born.
Explaining what I am hoping for from the ACOG is the first order of business.
If billed as a combat optic, I am expecting it to have combat-effective accuracy at ranges ranging from five to five hundred yards at the very least.
I do not anticipate this optic to help me achieve one-inch groupings at 100 yards.
However, I do not anticipate it to be able to engage a target at 10 yards with the same level of quickness as the PRO.
The Professional Run – Trijicon ACOG Scope
During the first of five presentations, I had two issues with the PRO.
For starters, the range could not display a target for less than a second.
Originally, I had envisioned a 30-second spot.
Initially, I had planned to give five lectures.
However, as I learned more about my range equipment, that number grew to thirteen.
To make matters worse, I accidentally fired the first two shots with the irons while the PRO was off.
My testing continued for a total of thirteen shots after fixing and learning from these mistakes.
As you can see, the PRO’s A-zone hits have a good pattern; I consider them combat-effective.
Fast even when off, the PRO has a good FSB aperture.
The PRO is more than capable of serving as my primary home defense optic.
The Aimpoint PRO has passed our tests.
The ACOG Run:
There was a lot going on at this point.
I had utilized the Exterior Ballistic Calculator V2 software earlier that morning to have an idea of where I wanted to point the ACOG reticle.
If you look at my crosshair reticle on Trijicon’s website, you will see that I should have aimed for the 700-yard mark at the bottom of it.
The precise aiming position has been marked out in green, making it easy to locate.
When compared to the PRO goal, there are considerable variances.
An inch or so on each side, it became bigger.
I am sure you have heard of the left-eye/right-hand rule.
It was important in this case.
It is only that each of the 10 shots is on target.
There are 9 of the 10 hits that are still combat-effective, even if they are ten yards away.
I believe I can improve my speed and accuracy by practicing and refining my technique.
Not to add, I can remember to utilize the 700-yard hash in a similar way as a red dot in order to shoot accurately.
Although the PRO is more intuitive, I would not write out the Trijicon ACOG Scope just yet.
I believe I can get an Trijicon ACOG Scope up to near-par speeds with a lot of work.