It’s hard to process the aftermath of a car accident. If you were injured in a car accident in New Hampshire, you have to follow a few basic steps. Firstly, don’t ignore your injuries and call 911 without any further delay. Inform the local police, and wait at the scene, if possible.

You can exchange information with other involved drivers and consider noting down the details of witnesses. You may also want to inform your insurance company, and once things have settled, call a reliable personal injury lawyer in New Hampshire to get an assessment of your claim.

This is a tort state, and therefore, if the accident was a result of the other driver’s fault, you can seek compensation for your losses. Here are some important aspects worth knowing. 

Reporting an accident

All drivers involved in a car accident in New Hampshire must report the accident to the Division of Motor Vehicles within 15 days. This should be done in writing for all accidents resulting in injury, death, or substantial property damage worth $1,000 or more.

Deadline for filing car accident lawsuits

The statute of limitations in every state sets a deadline to file a civil lawsuit after a personal injury or car accident. In New Hampshire, you have three years to pursue a car accident lawsuit, and the deadline starts from the date of the mishap. If you have lost a family member in the accident and want to file a wrongful death claim, you have to do so within three years.

Comparative fault

If you share the blame for the accident, the modified comparative fault rule will come into play in New Hampshire. You can only sue the other at-fault party if their share is more than yours. For instance, if you were 60% at fault, you cannot recover anything from the other side, no matter the losses you have endured. Also, you can only get a part of the settlement given to you, depending on your share in the fault.

Do you need a lawyer?

Although not mandatory, hiring an attorney will only help you in the long run. Personal injury cases are inherently complex, and if you don’t have a lawyer on your side, negotiating with the other party and their insurer would be a lot harder.

Don’t shy away from asking questions and never pay an upfront fee, as New Hampshire lawyers usually charge a contingency fee for car accident cases.

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