Confined Spaces

It goes without saying that working in confined spaces presents a range of risks and hazards, from asphyxiation and falls to entanglements and restricted working spaces. Workplace safety does not just mean being ready to help in serious situations but includes the ability to be able to identify potential risks.

Commonly used across a number of industries, it is incredibly important that workers have the required skills, knowledge and qualifications to ensure they are safe in these hazardous environments. Below is some necessary element to managing risks in a confined space.

What Is A Confined Space?

A confined space refers to any environment that is enclosed or largely enclosed with the foreseeable risk of fire, explosion, loss of consciousness, asphyxiation or drowning. Additionally, it is a space that is not designed or intended for human occupation and has restricted entrances by means of size, location or entry method.

There is often the misconception that not all work involves confined spaces. However, environments such as vats, silos, sewers, trucks, boilers, manholes and storage bins are all considered confined spaces due to their limited entryways and present danger to the worker if any accident were to occur.

Ensuring Workplace Safety

The first step to ensuring workplace safety with regards to confined spaces is to identify any hazards or potential risks that could result in accidents or injury. Such hazards include hazardous pollutants that require ventilation. In such cases, atmospheric testing is required to determine the oxygen content of the space and if there are any flammable gases or potential toxins that cause pose a safety risk to workers in the environment. 

Some hazards and risks are unavoidable, which is why confined space workers require thorough training and testing to ensure they are able to perform work activities, safely, reliable and confidently.

Confined Space Training

Knowing what to do before you enter a confined space, what to watch for while you are in the space and how to get out safely are important skills to have that will ensure that you are able to effectively complete the job at hand without worrying about safety. Additionally understanding what to do when faced with emergency situations will help save you and those around you from serious injury. 

As such, high quality confided space safety training is crucial. Training helps workers understand and increase awareness of potential hazards. This ensures workers are more alert to dangers, resulting in increase caution and fewer accidents. Confined space training also discusses the importance of atmosphere testing to better prepare workers for safe workspaces.

High Quality Training With HOST Safety and Training

To ensure workers and employers are compliant with the newest standards and legislation, training is a necessary step to take. HOST Safety and Training are a locally owned RTO that offers a comprehensive range of high risk licence courses.

Partner with HOST Safety and Training for nationally accredited courses that ensure your team is prepared with the right training and skills necessary for a safe and productive workplace. Learn More today!

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