popular on instagram

Instagram is the popular photo and video sharing social networking service site owned by Facebook, Inc.It is a free photo and video sharing app available on Apple iOS, Android and Windows Phone.People ca easily uplode their photos and videos as they like and share them with their followers or with a select group of friends.

Everone can also view, comment and like posts shared by their friends and families on Instagram.Anyone can create an account by registering an email address and selecting your username.You must be very sensative while regestring your account put the password that noone can easily known.

Instagram was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, both Stanford University graduates, in 2010.Now at the present time it has almost crossed around 200 million users world wide.Facebook is known as the social networking giant had acquired the company in 2012.

The site comes in higlight from its picture-editing functionality. Users can change the one forms of photos through its editing procedure and also can transform images in a manner remniscent of old-fashioned Polaroid prints.

Especially it is created for the personal profiles but also can be connected todifferent social networking profiles such as Facebook and Twitter, meaning users can share their pictures across platforms ofvarieties of social networking site.


Instagram Direct

Instagram gives you the platform to share photos, videos, hashtag pages, profiles and locations with a single person or oyher small group of users from up to 15 people, right from a users’ newsfeed.You can also use the service Instagram Direct via the Inbox icon in the top right-hand corner of this app.

Stories of Instagram

Instagram allows their users to post a selection of photos/videos into one story. Those stories will be always dissapered in 24 hours accurately. It also follows the same privacy settings as a users’ Instagram profile. For example, if a user has a private account and posts a story, only the users followers friends will be able to view this story

Instagram Questions

It is one of the best feature introduced by the instagram company for their users in july 2018. This is quite different reminiscent of the controversial Ask.FM, although answers of thequestions are not anonymous! If you send a question to someone you follow they can post that question to their story and write a response but it will not tag you as the person who asked the question. It is a popular feature with influencers.


1. Always use hastag

Always try to put hastag when you are posting something photos or videos in instagram.Hastag will increase your exposure. Put those hastagwhich are popular and moreover people are engage on it.If you are posting the photo related to nature then make sure that you put the nature related hastag, for example #World_Heritage_Site,#Natural_diversity #Adventure_nature .If you put fashion related photo put the hastage like wise #fashionforall,#fashion_world,#fashion_and_personality etc.

2. Always like and comment in anothers posts

Most important thing you should not forget is don’t forget to like and comment on other who admire you and likes your posts. If someone shows an interest in your pictures and your profile, it’s very good to reach out and connect. Comment on one of their pictures or like . It will just only takes a minute or two and it helps to get a new follower.

3. Add stories with your pictures.

Always add your stories in your picture when you put something on my day or regular content.It will simply helps your follower to know what you are doing or going somewhere you want to. It will obviously increase a number of followers day by day.

4. Don’t private your account

Never private your account if you want to be get more followers on instagram.Keep your acccount private less to give chance to other people know about you very clearly.Privating your account will not get other people to explore on your account.

Try Instagram Downloader Tool to download Instagram Photos online for free!

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