best ENT specialist

Ear, commonly known as ear, is a natural secretion of the protective ear canal material, can absorb dust and block insects and other foreign bodies, the following detailed method of cleaning the ear. In the cause to any serious problem you should go to a best ENT specialist.
it is also called ear poo and is secreted by the glands of the outer ear canal, which under normal circumstances are drained out of the ear as the ear canal cells move. when the secretion of the outer ear canal is too high to be discharged in time, it will clog the outer ear canal, forming a slug. how to correctly remove the moth?

best ent specialist


If the ear moles are not very large, massage by yourself can generally be clean. That is, every day with your fingers and belly to clip the ear to turn around, or gently put your palms on the ear to rub, try how the effect.

Use the Ear Scoop Carefully

If you feel more, use the ear scoop carefully to avoid damaging the ear canal. It would be best to use a small cotton swab or a rounded ear scoop to find your family to help out in the sun.
Use the Ear Scoop Carefully

A Very Hard Solution

If the ear is very hard, do not hard out, you cannot clean up. Too much force will only hurt the ear canal. At this time, should go to the regular secondary or higher hospital ear examination, with sodium bicarbonate drop-ear drops, to soften the radon and then rinse the ear canal.
ENT specialist

Drop the Ear to Pay Attention

In the drop-ear drops, pay attention to the need for regular drops, which should be thoroughly soaked in radon, generally to continuous drops for three days, about two hours a day drop once, each drop 2-3 drops. After the fall, it is best to lie on the side for a while, let them drop slowly seep into the ear so as not to flow out of the waste.
Drop the Ear to Pay Attention


Note that Hearing will temporarily weaken

Do not worry when the ear drops of sodium bicarbonate drops of ear fluid because of the expansion. After some time, remove the moly bud will fully restore Hearing.
Note that Hearing will temporarily weaken

Rinse Your Ears

Ears on time after dripping medicine, and then on time to the hospital flushing can be, rinse when the tray is well, the doctor flushing do not move, and finally, with dry cotton swab wipe the outer ear canal will hurt some, but a moment will be all right. If there is congestion in the ear, it indicates inflammation. It is necessary to take a few more days of anti-inflammatory drugs. For further detail visit your nearest best ENT specialist.

Rinse Your Ears


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