Purchasing the health insurance plan offered by the Star health insurance company is a very much beneficial concept to be undertaken by the people. The company comes with a very satisfactory incurred claim ratio which makes it very much popular among the people at the time of purchasing such plans. The company will always help in providing the people with top-quality plans and is a very strong player in the whole insurance sector in India. The premiums of this particular company are very much affordable which makes sure that it will be suitable for every pocket of every individual.
Following are the basic benefits of purchasing the Star health plan:
- All the health insurance plans offered by this particular company will help in providing the people with the benefit of free healthcare checkups. All the insured members will be able to enjoy the free healthcare checkups and will also be able to track their health and improve it whenever required without any extraordinary hassle.
- Purchasing the plans from the house of Star health insurance will always make sure that people will be able to enhance the coverage benefits very easily. Health plans offered by the company will always help in supplementing the existing employer-sponsored group health plan which will further make sure that one will be able to enjoy additional protection very easily.
- In this particular sector, there will be several kinds of cashless claims which will make sure that the insurance company will be able to settle them directly with the network hospital. Ultimately it will help in reducing the financial burden on the people and will make sure that there will be a significant type of more than 9800 hospitals in India. So, people can very easily eliminate the hassles of getting the claim settled with the help of reimbursement systems of such plans.
- The company comes with a very good claim settlement ratio which makes it very much popular in the whole industry. In the year 2019-2021 the claim settlement ratio was 78.62% which is a very good factor to depend upon this particular company in the world of insurance.
- All the health insurance plans from the house of Star Health Company make sure that people will be able to deal with any kind of medical expense very easily. Every insured person will be getting coverage for free hospitalization, inpatient hospitalization, ambulance cost, daycare treatment, and several other kinds of related aspects.
- Apart from this most of the plans also helps in providing the people with the advantage of maternity-related benefits, organ donor expenses, and several other kinds of related things. Hence, the comprehensive nature of such plans makes them very much popular among the people.
- Another very important advantage provided by the company is the taxation-related advantages because people can easily claim deductions of income tax up to Rs.55,000 very easily.
Hence, depending upon the companies like Star health insurance scheme is a wonderful idea on the behalf of people to avail all the above-mentioned advantages very easily.